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Medical staff make final preparations at Huoshenshan Hospital

來(lái)源:新華網(wǎng) 時(shí)間:2020-02-04 11:32:23 編輯:劉映紅 點(diǎn)擊:

Medical staff test facilities and make the bed at Huoshenshan (Fire God Mountain) Hospital to make final preparations to admit patients infected with the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, Feb. 3, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

Medical staff test facilities and make the bed at Huoshenshan (Fire God Mountain) Hospital to make final preparations to admit patients infected with the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, Feb. 3, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

Medical staff test facilities and make the bed at Huoshenshan (Fire God Mountain) Hospital to make final preparations to admit patients infected with the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, Feb. 3, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

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